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Sending Answer Sheet

You can scan your answer sheet using a traditional scanner or a mobile application and send the scanned file in pdf format to our email address info@i-plus.co.in mentioning your name, the name of the test and the time you had taken the test.

You can also send the same pdf file to our Whatsapp number as an attached document mentioning your name,the name of the test and the time you had taken the test.

You can also click a photo of the answer sheet and send it to us in our email address info@i-plus.co.in mentioning your name,the name of the test and the time you had taken the test or send it to our Whatsapp number mentioning the same details.

Using Application
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+91 98108 85128

Bit Wave Solutions Limited

Unit 602, Shaila Towers, J-1/16, EP & GP Block, Sector- V, Electronics Complex, Salt Lake,, Block EP J-1/16, Sector-V, Salt Lake, EP Block, Sector V, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091

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