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As an institute focused on nurturing excellence within students, it is extremely crucial that you are able to demonstrate a history of excellence with data. Parents want to see a reputation backed by data before they submit their child’s learning responsibility to the institute. An independent testing platform is impartial, competitive and provides a historical view of student’s learning improvement. On one hand it saves useless effort in conducting exams, evaluating papers and publishing the results, on the other hand it helps institute build a credible market brand of independence and continuous learning. Join US.

Test Papers for Schools

Step 1Registration

Schools who actually prepare students for exams enroll their students. Can connect with their existing database - by class, name & email

Step 2Question Builder and Allocation

Build your own customized question paper through Question Builder and allocate it to the students directly from the system.

Step 3Answer Upload and Evaluation

After uploading a scanned copy of the answer sheet our assessment team can check the papers and give marks having test sheet and correct answer sheet side by side using our OCR technology.

Step 4Get Result

They download result with detailed assessment report to validate marks (obtained vs allocated) with giving feedback.

Benefits for Schools

The aim of iPlus for Schools is to assist schools who wish to help their students through the iPlus.

Track the Progress Throughout the Academic Year

Schools will be able to generate progress reports and also will be able to track the progress of their students monthly. This will help them in keeping track about the areas where each student is lagging and need to improve.

Assessment Report

Gone are the days when schools used to face an uphill battle in realizing where their students went wrong and which are the questions responsible for the low grades. They can now easily focus on their student’s weak areas through the Assessment Report. Schools will be able download results with detailed assessment reports to validate marks (obtained vs. allocated) with given feedback against areas like spelling, hand-writing, etc.

Big Library

Big library of question papers to find out exactly what students are expected to know and how to make sure that any gaps in their learning are addressed. Subjects covering both primary and secondary standards, schools will be at an all-time ease to set questions for their students.

All Subjects Covered

Covers all the Subjects like Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Science and English that is required to successfully complete the test with clear explanations and practice worksheets with answers.