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Why study in Germany?

Best Germany education consultant on an average 1.8 million students around the world go abroad to attend a university. Nearly one tenth of those students choose to come to Germany. Top study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai has a lot to offer to foreign students, be they first-year students or postgraduates. Study in Germany, education & university consulting in Navi Mumbai combine age-old traditions with modern technologies. More than 300 universities exist in Germany: from time-honored institutions offering best Germany education consultant students the classical repertoire of subjects such as Medicine, Law, English and German to innovative new institutions of higher study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai with inter-disciplinary study programs. To improve the range of opportunities for international students and to met their interests, German universities and colleges have begun to introduce courses with international perspectives. At last students can study for a bachelor’s or master’s degree in German education consultancy. English is the language of instruction for the first few semesters in these international courses. Thus the international students can conveniently learn German without their studies getting hampered undefined

Education system in Germany

First and Secondary Education

Best Germany education consultant compulsory education in Germany is from the age of 6 to 15 years. School children are in primary school (Grundschule) for four years in most of the federal states, apart from Berlin and Brandenburg where primary school finishes after grade 6. There are different types of secondary schools, starting with grade 5 or 7 and finishing with grade 10 or 12 with different school leaving certificates. The Hauptschule (lower secondary school) is till grade 9 and with the certificate for taking a vocational apprenticeship. Upper secondary school (Realschule) completes with grade 10, students can then chose to continue with the Oberschule and take the Abitur (A-Level/baccalaureate) or they start a vocational apprenticeship. Best Germany education consultant

at a Gymnasium, students finish after grade 12 (until recently, it used to be after grade 13) with their Abitur which is the entry qualification for higher academic education at universities or colleges. The Fachabitur is a special version of the Abitur, taking more practical subjects and already qualifying oneself in a practical field, for example social studies. Students with a Fachabitur can study at colleges, top study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai and polytechnics, but not at universities. There is also a mixed version, the Gesamtschule (secondary state school) which includes all three school types, depending on the development of the student’s qualifications. So, a student with improving grades at the end of a school year can change from Hauptschule to Realschule or to Gymnasium. Study in Germany, Education & university consulting in Navi Mumbai. The education plan can vary between the Ministries of Education of each federal state, but generally, secondary education is compulsory and free.

Higher Education

There are also different types of higher education and study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai institutions divided into: universities (Universitäten,TechnischeHochschulen/TechnischeUniversitäten,Pädagogische Hochschulen), and colleges of art and music (Kunsthochschulen and Musikhochschulen), and Fachhochschulen (colleges of applied sciences). All these institutions are undergoing a reorganisation since the early 1990s. With the introduction of the internationally comparable Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. programmes, the qualification of a new generation of academics and scientific study is the focus of future development. Moreover, the institutions of higher education are made more efficient by granting them further freedom in organisational matters and the chance to shape an individual profile and evoking more competition. As the primary and secondary education system, the higher German education consultancy and education system is also subject to decisions and programmes of the governments of the federal states. Fachhochschulen (colleges of applied sciences), offer a range of practically oriented study courses such as Engineering, Economics, Social Work, Public and Legal Administration and Health and Therapy. A Diplom degree can be achieved after 8 semesters of studying and a finally successful examination. Students then get the title of Diplom-Ingenieur (FH). The initials “FH” are added to the Diplom degrees pointing to the diploma of a Fachhochschule.

Universities in Germany


Undergraduate studies were until recently the basic studies (Grundstudium) of a Diplom or Magister programme, generally taking four semesters (2 academic years) and finishing with an intermediate examination (Diplom-Vorprüfung, Zwischenprüfung). Students are then enabled to follow their studies in the second stage of Hauptstudium, taking another 4 semesters with the 5th being the preparatory semester for taking the final exams, the Diplomprüfung or the Magisterprüfung or State Exam (for Law and subjects for becoming a teacher). The new graduation system of the Bachelor as an undergraduate program instead of the basic studies program has already been introduced in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai with the aim of achieving an internationally competitive degree and studying in a condensed, shortened time of 3 years.


The advanced studies (Hauptstudium) form the second stage to the final examination, takes five semesters at least. The final exams still are the Diplom and Magister, but they are slowly replaced by the Master degree and best Germany education Consultant. The Magister study involves either two equally weighed major subjects or a mixture of one major and two minor subjects. According to the new graduation system, after having completed the Bachelor’s studies, a Master of Arts/Science is the successfully achieved title after two years of studying. A Doctoral degree can only be achieved at universities. The time of doctoral studies, the Promotion, has duration of 2 to 4 years of independent scientific research, the public presentation and defence of the thesis. The Diplom/Erstes Staatsexamen/Magister Artium/Master of Arts/Science are the preconditions for taking Doctoral studies.

Study Abroad in Germany

For admission, students should have a similar qualification certificate to the higher education entrance qualification acquired in Germany (the Abitur for universities or Fachhochschulreife for colleges). and best Germany education consultant. If qualifications obtained at the home country are not accepted, applicants must take a special examination (Feststellungsprüfung). There are preparatory courses on offer and top study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai. The visa regulations and the residence permits are available at German embassies. Tuition fees are around 600-700€ and the costs of living are around 800€. Many of the International master programs may cost more than 10,000€ for the course but way cheaper than other developed nations.

Summer programs

As there is a long summer vacation from July to mid October, there are a number of summer courses offered at universities and colleges in Germany. Condensed and intensive courses dealing with your subject of choice and with the German culture are offered at the universities and colleges. It is a great opportunity to learn a lot about Germany in courses, lectures, and other types of entertainment and focus on your subject at one and the same time. You will get more information via your university or college of choice.

Learning languages

A good knowledge of German is important. Students must successfully finish a special language examination. There are German courses and best Germany education consultant for international students on offer at most universities. There are also international study programms for international students where a major part of courses is taught in English or completely in English.

Before you can be admitted to a course of study at a German institution of higher education and top study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai you will as be required to take the Assessment Test . This requirement will apply as a rule. Admission to the assessment test is only possible for applicants who can prove that they hold a secondary school leaving certificate awarded for 12 years of schooling. Applicants who provide proof of successful participation in the entrance examination for the Indian Institutes of Technology can be admitted direct to higher education study and study in Germany, education & university consulting in Navi Mumbai. Generally, you will need to be proficient in German to be able to study or research effectively in Germany. But German is also an important language in its own right and is spoken by many people. So it’s well worth learning – for example, by attending a summer language course. And, study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai is definitely not as difficult as popular opinion would have it. Universities and colleges generally require German language certificates, which you can easily gain by taking the appropriate test in your home country. Before you can embark on your studies at a German institution of higher education and German education consultancy you will have to take the DSH – the German language proficiency test. The institutions set and hold these examinations themselves and also arrange the dates. “International degree courses” and some postgraduate courses are an exception to this rule. You can be exempted from the DSH if you hold a higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) from a recognised school (in Germany or abroad) at which German was the language of instruction, hold the Goethe-Institute’s minor or major German Language Certificate or advanced level Central Advanced Language Test hold the German Language Certificate, Level II, of the German Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Culture only intend to spend one semester studying in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai (some institutions even allow 2 semesters without requiring the DSH to be taken). Test DaFA German language proficiency certificate as required for your studies in best Germany education consultant can also be obtained in your home country in the form of the so-called Test DaF This language test is held twice a year (in spring and autumn/fall) at certain towns or universities in your country. The Test DaF system offers various proficiency levels. Hence, the language requirements can be adapted to the purpose of the study stay. The respective tests are set and marked in top study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai so that all candidates can be sure that they have been treated equally and therefore everybody has the same chance of success. To greatly encourage the influx of international students, a good number of leading German institutions and best Germany education consultant reserve study places for foreign applicants. Please attend German courses at your own institution of higher education, the Goethe-Institute, or other language schools in your own country so that you will be able to communicate easily in German when you come here. If you arrive in Germany ready and able to pass the DSH straight away, it will save you a great deal of time, effort, and money. Good language courses can also be found outside the framework of your German higher education institution and top study in Germany education consultants in Navi Mumbai. The courses offered by adult education centers (Volkshochschule – VHS) or other municipal educational facilities are cheaper than private language schools. German isn’t everything: International degree courses, programs and qualifications To improve the range of opportunities for international study applicants and to meet their interests, Studies leading to a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree stand out by having course modules, a system of continuous examination and assessment, and a system of credits. Study in Germany, education & university consulting in Navi Mumbai. Most of the foreign nationals need to apply directly to the International Office at each individual university or college of their choice Should another office be responsible for handling your applications and other affairs, the International office will inform you accordingly. You can search for the study opportunities online – and can even search for courses with a specific language of instruction at: www.higher-education-compass.de


The closing dates for applications to the International offices are usually July 15 for the following winter semester and January 15 for the following summer semester. If your application is late even by one day, it is not going to be processed. As soon as you have received your notification of admission and passed the language test, you need to register at your chosen university or college. Please direct your queries to the Registrar’s office (studentensekretariat) in good time so as to wrap up the formalities and paperwork long before the session is due to start. Your first port of call upon arrival in Germany must necessarily be the International office which will provide you with all the basic information you need to arrange the initial days of your stay in that country. Subsequently you must get yourself registered at the Resident Registration office and finally with the Alien’sRegistration Authority.undefined

Visa Procedure

The application process to apply for the German student visastarts with collection of visa application form from German Consulate or Embassy in your country. The visa application form can also be downloaded from German Embassy’s or Consulate’s website. You have to fill up the application form in detail as stated in the form and submit it to respective German mission in your country. The applicable visa fee and supporting documents must be also be submitted along with visa applications. You may be asked to make a personal appearance for interview with consulate officer at German embassy to verify whether you are true student trying to pursue your further education in Germany or not. If the consular feels you to be the true and genuine student, your applications will be forwarded to the responsible immigration office in Germany for the approval. The entire procedure may take 6-10 weeks to complete. Therefore, it is wise to apply 2 month in advance of the course start date to obtain the student visa of Germany on time.

Documents Required When Applying for a Student Visa of Germany

German missions in different countries may ask for different documents to issue German student visa to the citizen of the respective countries. However, these are the common documents required to obtain German student visa.

  • Filled up Visa Application Forms
  • Declaration on True and Complete Information
  • Valid passport with a validity of at least 12 months along with two copies of all printed pages
  • Passport sized photographs according to biometric specifications (3 Copies)
  • Visa fee
  • Cover letter
  • Letter of enrolment from the German University
  • Proof that study fees have been paid, if applicable
  • School Leaving Certificate of Secondary School
  • Character Certificates
  • University Certificates (Degree Certificates and Mark Sheets), if applicable
  • Proof of Language Proficiency (TOEFL / IELTS, not older than 2 years, Original and A 4 sized copy.
    (Note: This document is mandatory for the visa process, even if it is not required by the German University.)
  • Proof of financial means to cover the costs for the time of your studies. These documents may support for the proof of financial means:
    • Confirmation of Scholarship
    • Formal sponsorship letter from a sponsor living in Germany
    • Sanctioned study loan indicating address and telephone number of the bank. The amount of the sanctioned study loan should be converted into EURO and indicated in writing by the bank.
    • Savings Account supported by a 12 months bank statement (printed and not handwritten – A4 sized copy), indicating address and telephone number of the bank
    • Proof of Term Deposit, indicating address and telephone number of the bank